Cyberdeck is calling
I should work on this, I really should. I have been thinking lately about this video game again. Ironically, I haven't worked on it since the last update I made here almost a year ago. But it's probably the best code I have ever written. I read it today. -- Clean. As. A. Whistle. I have been showing people the ganky handheld footage I took of it. But it isn't really very good. So I took a few hours to do a proper video. Kazam (on linux) worked beautifully. Still, the code hasn't changed in a while. I am chomping at the bit to get in there. But ironically, life always seems to get in your way, like a sysyphusian wind blowing right at me no matter which tack I take. TL;DR ... I am busy, with school, with work. But what I really want to do - is get back to this game, give me four months and I'll get Lua scripting, variable shaders, map generation, and a ton of other stuff in there. But that's like a dare to life - come on, life, I dare yah, life. Be good to me, let me do the thing I want to - instead of all this other pointless stuff that doesn't matter to anyone. There's no way.